The Action buttons are the primary means to create and interact with your notifications. The Actions buttons can be found below the breadcrumb and right above the data table columns and entries. To the right of the Action buttons are the Data-table Actions Icons.

The New Notification button is ready to be engaged immediately but the other actions require selecting a notification before they will become available.

To engage the other actions buttons simply select which notification you would like by clicking the empty box to left of the Notification name. Now the Actions buttons will become available and are ready to be engaged.

Here are all the Actions Buttons:

New Notification

Create and configure a new notification.


Duplicate one, or more, existing notifications.

  • Click the checkbox next to a notification, or multiple notifications, then click Duplicate to engage.


You can use the simulate feature to test any notification you have configured without actually triggering the notification.

  • Click the checkbox next to a notification then click Simulate to engage.
  • One may only select one notification to Simulate at a time.

Bulk Edit

Change the direction or external number for multiple notifications at once.

  • You must select two or more notifications for this option to become available.
  • Click the checkbox next to two or more notifications and then click Bulk Edit to engage.
  • You can ONLY change the External Phone Number and Direction for multiple notifications with the Bulk Edit action.


Delete one, or more, notifications.

  • Click the checkbox next to a notification, or multiple notifications, then click Delete to engage.
  • Consider toggling the Status of a notification before deleting it if the notification simply needs to be in-active temporarily and not permanently.