VPN Cloud Relays:

Generally, the timeline to complete all steps below is about 4-6 weeks after the signed SOW is received by the PS Development team. This is highly dependent on how much time the customer requires to configure and deploy their "half" of the VPN tunnels.

  1. RingCentral Advanced Solutions Architect team works with customer to identify and qualify Cloud Relay requirements.
  2. PS Development team validates any new design requirements from ASA team, SOW/Change Order is created for customer.
  3. PS Project Manager sends fully-signed SOW/CO to PS Development team.
  4. PS Project Manager provides link below to customer for review and completion of our "AirTable Cloud Relay survey".
    a. Survey link to share with customer: https://airtable.com/shrmw0jl8ToHsCxXZ
    b. If the integration to the customer's application requires a site-to-site VPN, they need to select "Yes" to question #5 regarding the VPN, so all of the additional VPN-related questions load on the survey.
    c. One survey should be completed for each unique application that we'll be integrating to.
  5. Once AirTable survey (step 4) has been fully completed and submitted by customer, PS Development team moves the Cloud Relay project into their deployment queue (deployment usually takes ~10 business days after survey is received and reviewed).
  6. PS Development team deploys Cloud Relay into their AWS Account, and configures all VPNs using information from AirTable VPN Survey. Securely shares VPN configuration files with customer, so they can deploy and connect their side of the VPNs.
  7. PS Development team works with customer to turn-up and test all VPN tunnels, verify connectivity to customer server(s).
  8. PS Development team creates Postman collection + Grafana dashboard with customer-specific data, hands off to PS Implementation Manager to begin writing and testing custom scripts, as defined in SOW/CO.
  9. PS Implementation Manager completes custom scripting/integrations, schedules review and 'go live' for Cloud Relay integration with the customer.
  10. PS Project Manager follows up with PS Development team to notify when Cloud Relay portion of project is complete and live in customer environment.