To the upper right of the data-table, in-line with Action buttons, are the Data-table Action Icons. These are quick functions related to the data table data and provide functions like: row or card view, filtering, exporting and toggling statues for all notifications quickly.

Change View

Change the view to be either a data table with rows and columns or cards in a grid pattern.

  • Grid icon when you are in Data-table mode (default view).
  • Three horizontal lines icon when you are in Grid mode.


Filter the Data in the data-table by searching for keywords or by Direction or Status.

  • When engaged, a grey space will open between the data table columns and the Action Buttons and Data Table Icons.
  • Click Type keyword to search and start typing to search by keyword or variable.
  • Click the dropdown for Direction and/or Status to choose one or more options to filter by.


Export the data-table as an XLSX file with ALL data entries.

  • If you select one or more notifications and hit export, it will only export that notifications data.

Toggle All

Quickly toggle the Status for all notifications.

  • Commonly used when needing to update or re-configure many notifications without them triggering in the process of the update.

Warning: This will disable all notifications when triggering to off Status. Make sure you want to do this before engaging.