The Devices feature provides planning and verification capabilities for device endpoints. You can assign device types and models to users in the workspace, then once those devices have been delivered and provisioned you can easily verify that each user received the correct device type and model (e.g. the device that shows in Service Web for a user is the same that was specified for the user in Conductor during the implementation process).

Conductor does not currently order devices or provision them in Service Web (yet). However, you can export the devices data for the workspace and use it to populate the order to be sent to the deals desk.

TODO: under construction...

Assigning Devices

All users are automatically defaulted to a device type of "Softphone". You can select a different device type by clicking on the dropdown in the Device Type column of the devices data table.

Device Types

  • New Device
  • ...
  • Existing Device
  • ...
  • Softphone
  • ...

Verifying Devices