The Notification Details is where you configure your new notifications and edit or re-configure existing notifications.

The notification details section is broken down into several steps to help guide you through the creation and editing process. Once you have filled in all required details, you will be able to review and then simulate your notification.

Use the 'Next', 'Back' buttons to navigate through the steps as you complete them. You must complete the current step to move to the next step in the Notifications details area.

These sections steps are:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Direction
  • Trigger
  • Delivery
  • Review

Creating a new notification

There are two ways to create new notifications: clicking the 'New Notification' button or by duplicating one or more existing notifications.

New Notification

To create a new notification, simply hit the button labeled 'New Notification' in the data table actions section.

Note: You may only create one notification at a time with the 'New Notification' button.

Duplicate existing notification(s)

You can duplicate one or more existing notifications to create several new notifications at one time. This is an efficient process when the details might slightly differ between several notifications; like the phone number or call directions.

How to Duplicate Notifications:

  • Select two or more notifications you would like to duplicate by checking the box in front of the name.
  • Once two or more notifications are selected, the Bulk Edit button will highlight and become available.
  • Click the 'Bulk Edit' button and edit the details to re-configure the duplicated

Note: This is most commonly used in combination with Bulk Edit to then edit the notifications after a duplication to handle creating many new notifications at one time.

Read about 'Duplicate' in the data table actions section for more info.

Edit a notification

Edit an existing notification

To edit an existing notification, simply click the  name of the notification, if in data table view, or the card if in card view. You will then see the notification details for that specific notification.

Note: It is possible to edit multiple notifications at once. Read more in the Bulk Editing section to learn about the advantages and limitations of Bulk Editing notifications.

Notification Details

The Notification Details contains all the information to make your notification active and trigger on the conditions you specify. Please see all the details below and complete all necessary steps to create or re-configure your notification.


The desired name for this notification. Choose something that will help distinguish it from other notifications you may create.

When you are finished entering a name, click the 'Next' button to proceed to the 'Phone Number' section.

Phone Number

The external phone number that, when called from your RingCentral® account, will trigger this notification. You will choose which call direction in the next step.

The phone number field has a country code dropdown but you may also post the number plus the country code and hit (tab) or click outside the field for the next button the highlight.

Note: You do not need to insert the (+) plus symbol with your phone number when entering the phone number with the country code. Simply click outside the field or hit Tab for the (+) plus symbol to be added automatically if not included already.

Direction (Phone Call Direction)

The call direction determines which call flows that will initiate a trigger condition.

The options are:


When a call comes from the specified phone number into your RingCentral® account.


When a call comes to the specified phone number from your RingCentral® account.

Both directions

Both Inbound and Outbound are active. If the specified phone number calls into, or is dialed to from your RingCentral® account, the notification will trigger.


The trigger is where you will identify which call objects can trigger this notification (e.g. what users/extensions or sites will trigger this notification when calling the specified phone number from above).

Toggle the trigger switches to enable the different Trigger configurations, as you can use a combination of any of the three options once they are active.

Note: Users is on by default but you can toggle it off at any moment. Just make sure to have one option toggled one or you will not be able to proceed.


Users is the most common trigger condition and is easy to understand.  If the specified user(s) have outbound/inbound calls to the specified external phone number, the notification will trigger.

You may select individual users from the dropdown to build a list of users that will trigger this notification when conditions are met from other settings.

All users is any user in your RingCentral® account, including you.

You may remove an already added user by hitting the 'X' icon in the badge next to the user's name.

Note: 'All Users' is toggled on by default, but you may select a user to turn it off or toggle the switch.

Extension Pattern

When a particular extension meets the specified pattern, and they have an outbound/inbound call to the specified external phone number, it will trigger the notification.

The extension patterns that are recognized by the application and that can be used are below:

  • Wild Card - Use an asterisk as wild card for any number,  e.g. 6****. In this example, if any extension starting with six(6) meet the other conditions, the notification will trigger.
  • Range - Use a dash (-) between two numbers to select all extensions within the range of the two numbers. E.g. 6000-9000. Entering 6000-9000 would give you all numbers between 6000 and 9000 for all total of 3000 extensions that will trigger when conditions are met.
  • Single Extension number - Enter a single extension number, like 6789, that will trigger the notification when conditions are met.
  • Comma to separate multiple Extension patterns - Use a comma (,) to separate several extension patterns to map a more complex extension pattern that might be required for your needs. E.g. 5****, 6000-9000, 9101 would include all extensions that start with 5, any extension between 6000 and 9000 (3000 extensions) and the single extension of 9101, for a total of 3001 + how many extension that start with a 5 in your account (probably a lot!).

Note: Notice when clicking into the field, the extension pattern examples appear within the field box to help guide you in creating an efficient pattern to trigger your notification.

Site Extensions

When extensions (e.g. a users) assigned to specified site(s) have outbound/inbound calls to the specified external phone number, it will trigger the notification. You may add one or more sites that trigger the notification.

You may remove an already added site by hitting the 'X' icon in the badge next to the site's name.


The delivery section gives you four (4) options for how you can receive the notification after all conditions are met. You may select all options or create a custom configuration of your own, but all fields must have details if they are enabled, to proceed.

Notification Delivery options:

  • Email - Send the notification message via email. You can specify one or more addresses with a comma (,) separating each email.
  • Webhook - Send the notification via a web hook. Please enter the full web address including the 'https://' or 'http://' at the beginning of the address.
  • Glip® - Send a notification to one or more Glip® Teams. Select which team by typing or via the dropdown or create a new Glip® Team by clicking 'New Team'.
  • Adding a new Glip® Team to Glip Delivery Option - Click 'New Team', Add the Team name, add users by typing and selecting via dropdown and switch this Team to private or keep it public depending on your preference. Click 'Create Team' to create and choose as a delivery option.  
  • SMS - Add one or more phone numbers, with the country code, that will receive the message content via SMS text message. Usage and international rates SMS rates apply.

Delivery Message Content and Message Snippets

The message content area contains the text that will be delivered to the delivery option(s) you choose when the notification is triggered. Click in the Message content field and begin typing, or select one or more of the four (4) Pre-built Message Snippets on the right side of the message content container.

The Message Snippet options are there to add helpful information quickly and they are:

  • Timestamp - the time when the notification was triggered.
  • Emergency Address - the emergency address of the extension that met the trigger condition.
  • Extension Number - the extension number of the extension that met the trigger condition.
  • Extension Name - the extension name (user name) of the extension that met the trigger condition.


This section shows all the settings for a particular notification so you can review how it functions before making changes or before finalizing a new notification.

Make sure all setting meet your desired configuration and hit the 'Save' button to finalize and create new notifications, or to save changes you have made to existing notifications.

Note: Use the 'Simulate' feature after editing or creating notifications to see if the notification delivery method and message are what you intended. This way you can ensure the notification is configured correctly without an actual trigger event taking place (like a test call to 911).