The Numbers feature inside of Conductor organizes the phone numbers in the workspace for easy management and porting.

When numbers are added they become available for assignment to users, sites, etc. Numbers entered when creating users and sites are automatically added to the Numbers section for you.

  • Numbers added to the workspace are automatically carrier "dipped" to verify portability to RingCentral (currently supports the North American +1 country code).
  • International numbers (anything outside of the +1 country code) are placed into the "International" group. You can assign temps and see the mapping assignments for international numbers, but they must be manually submitted via a separate international porting process.

Conductor supports port-in and temporary phone numbers.

  • Port-in phone numbers are the real phone number the user will eventually use (once it has ported to RingCentral).
  • Temporary numbers are ephemeral and only used until porting has completed. Temporary numbers are typically used for forwarding to maintain continuity for the customer during porting.

Adding Numbers

There are three ways to add phone numbers:

  1. Using the Add Number button.
  2. Bulk uploading a list of numbers.
  3. Attaching the numbers to users or sites when you create or edit them (they will automatically show up).

Add Number Button

The Add Number button will let you add numbers manually. Engage the Add Another button in the modal when saving to make it easier to enter multiple numbers in quick succession (or bulk upload a list of numbers).

Bulk Uploading

You can bulk upload a list of numbers in excel or CSV format to your workspace. These numbers will be identified as Company numbers when uploaded because they are not yet linked to any specific object.

These numbers can now be assigned to users or sites when creating or editing them.

Number Assignment

Once numbers have been added, the Assigned To column is used to identify what object this number is linked to in the workspace. There are three possible values:

  • Site is a port-in phone number that belong to a specific site.
  • User is a port-in phone number that belongs to a specific user.
  • Company is a port-in phone number that will be stored in the account as an extra company number rather than being associated with a specific user.

Number States

Numbers have several states to help identify their status. These statuses can also be viewed in the badges above the data-table. The first badge, Total, simply shows how many numbers are in the workspace.

  • Dipping - the number is currently being dipped.
  • Error - the number could not be carrier dipped, or is not portable.
  • Ready - the number has been dipped and is ready to port.
  • Porting - the number is currently porting or inside a port package.
  • Ported - this number has been ported over to RingCentral.
  • International - the number cannot be dipped and will be placed into a special carrier group.

Carrier Groups

Conductor automatically categorizes numbers into different carrier groups by common losing carrier.

  • Additional system groups may be seen (e.g. All Numbers, Errors and International) and are not grouped by the identified carrier but by different standards.
  • Create your own custom carrier groups to further organize your numbers for porting, for example when phased porting activities across multiple sites are required (you decide what carrier groups are included in a given porting package).

Carrier Group Types

As mentioned, there are two types of carrier groups (in addition to the system groups above):

  • Conductor-Generated Carrier Groups are automatically generated as numbers become identified by the system.
  • User-Created Carrier Groups can be created by selecting numbers from within a Conductor-generated carrier group and then hitting the New Group button. Conductor automatically adds a sequentially incremented ID number to the user-created carrier group name to help identify it as a user-created group. You can move numbers from the Conductor-generated carrier groups into user-created carrier groups as needed.

Note: You can only make user-created carrier groups from a selection while inside of a Conductor-generated carrier group.

Group Details

The group details for each carrier group contain the information required in order to generate an LoA form for the carrier group. You must provide these required fields before you can submit the port package that the group belongs to. If these details are not provided accurately, your port request may be rejected and could delay the go-live date of your customer.

Providing Carrier Group Details

To edit the details of a group, navigate to one of the groups by clicking on its badge above the data-table and then hit the Group Details buttons to provide the required information:

  • Company name or Individual* The name of the company or individual who is authorizing this porting request to RingCentral.
  • Authorized person to make request is only required if a company name is present in the "Company name or Individual" field above. If it is a person in the field above, please leave blank.
  • Copy of current telecom bill* a copy of the customer's current telecom provider bill as required by the porting team. Max upload limit is currently 5MB.
  • Phone #* is the BTN or "billing telephone number" for the numbers that are part of this group.
  • Account number is not required but some carriers might require it for a port request. Please try to locate the account number if possible.
  • PIN same as the account number, not required by default but some carriers might need it. Please try to locate the account PIN number if it exists.
  • Service address* please enter if different from the pre-populated site address. The pre-populated address is the most common address found among these numbers.

(*) denotes a required field

When you complete all the required fields within a carrier group's details, the carrier group will display a green circle with a check over its badge.

Porting and the LOA Document

The group details are used to generate the necessary LoA documents for each carrier group being included in a porting package. Use the porting queue to generate the required LoA's for your customer to sign.

Learn more about porting on the porting queue page.