The Sites feature inside of Conductor allows you to create and configure sites. You can also sync the sites you create directly to the RingCentral account. Syncing a site takes the data in Conductor and configures the account on the RingCentral platform to match it. A site is not eligible to be synced to the RingCentral platform until its site profile status is completed (e.g. the minimum required data has been provided).

Sites may be created manually or by bulk upload.

Additionally, any pre-existing sites (and users) from Service Web will be displayed in a read-only state inside of the workspace. This is helpful in determining the current state of the account to avoid any potential conflicts when syncing to the RingCentral platform.

Creating a Site

To manually create a new site, navigate to the Sites tab, click the New Site button and provide the following information (required fields are denoted by *):

Address Tab

  • Site Name* A friendly name for the site.
  • Country* Select the country that the site is located in.
  • Address* The physical street address of the site, e.g. 123 Acme St.
  • Address Line 2 The extended physical street address of the site, e.g. Ste. 200
  • City* Provide the city that the site is located in.
  • State/Region* Select the state or region that the site is located in.
  • Postal Code* Provide the postal code (zip code) of the site.

Address Validation

Conductor uses the RC Connect API emergency address validation endpoint to validate site addresses. This API endpoint abstracts the two service providers that RingCentral uses for address geo-location validation, which are Bandwidth Inc. (for US & Canada addresses) and SmartyStreets (for UK addresses). Addresses of sites located in countries other than these are validated on a best-effort basis.

Conductor has 3 states when validating addresses:

  1. Error: If the provided address cannot be validated appropriately, then Conductor will return an error message.
  2. Success: The address was successfully validated and geo-located.
  3. Address Not Geocoded: The address was validated, but could not be geo-located. In this case, the build engineer or project manager should file a ticket with RingCentral support to have the address geocoded into the underlying providers services. This is only a warning and will not impede your ability to continue when using Conductor.

This is all of the information that comprises a basic site. The information on the rest of the tabs in this modal window are referred to as the “Site Profile” information.

Click the Save button and to create the new site and move to the next tab to begin providing the site profile information.

Details Tab

  • Go Live Target Date The projected/estimated completion date for this site.
  • Site Floor Plan Upload an image of the site’s floorpan layout in .pdf or .png format.
  • RingCentral Pro Services On-site If the site requires on-site installation services this box should be checked. Currently this is for informational purposes only, it has no further impact on the workspace or scheduling.

Telecom Tab

  • Site Code The site code for this site (required if site codes are enabled).
  • Main Ext # for Site* Provide the extension number of this site.
  • Main Number(s) for Site Provide any phone numbers that will be used as main numbers for this site. E.164 format only.
  • Disconnect Existing Equipment First Check this box if RingCentral is required to disconnect the customer’s existing equipment before providing service. Currently this is for informational purposes only, it has no further impact on the workspace.


  • Outbound CNAM Set the outbound Caller ID Name for this site. If empty, the site will inherit the same Caller ID Name as the company.

Extras Tab

All information on this tab is optional and is used for Professional Services reference only, it does not get synced to the account on the RC platform and has no further impact on the workspace.

  • Fax Type Select one or more fax types to be used by this site.
  • Device Port Types Select the ethernet port setup to be used by devices at this site.
  • Door Buzzer Integration Check this box if this site requires door buzzer integration.
  • Using PoE Check this box if the devices at this site will be using PoE.
  • Overhead Paging Check this box is this site requires overhead paging integration.

Regional Tab

  • User Language* Select the user language of the users at this site.
  • Greeting Language* Select the greeting language of the users at this site.
  • Regional Format* Select the regional format of this site. This impacts how currencies, characters, etc. are displayed in the RingCentral Service Web UI for this site’s users.
  • Timezone* Select the timezone for this site.
  • Time Format* Select the time format of this site, 12-hours or 24-hours.

Site Statuses

Sites have three indicators. Notifications are automatically pushed to the activity feed when any site or status is changed or modified.

  1. The first status indicator is the status light representing the completion of the site’s “site profile” information. It has two possible states:
  • Completed: The required form input data for the site’s profile has been provided.
  • Not Completed: The required form input data for the site’s profile has not been provided. If a site’s profile is not in a “Completed” state then that site will not be eligible to sync.

2.  Each site also has the same synchronization status icon that workspaces do. Again, it has five possible states:

  • Not Ready to Sync: The site is not ready to sync yet (minimum required data has not been provided).
  • Syncing: This temporary state is only seen while the site is in the process of synchronizing.
  • Sync Successful: The synchronization of the site data to the account on the RingCentral platform has completed successfully.
  • Sync Error: The synchronization of the site data to the account on the RingCentral platform has encountered an error. The specific error message returned from the platform API’s can be seen by hovering over the sync error icon.
  • Ready to Sync: This item was previously synced successfully, but interim changes have been made to the contents of the site. This is Conductor letting you know that the item needs to be synced again as changes have been made since it was last synced.

3.  The third status indicator is the status dropdown menu located underneath the site name/breadcrumb. It allows you to manually specify a status for the sites section and has four possible states:

  • Not Started: No sites have been added yet.
  • Started: Sites have been added.
  • Needs Info: The section has been marked for review and gathering of additional data.
  • Completed: The section is complete.

Bulk Uploading Sites

Sites can be bulk uploaded as an alternative to creating them manually.  To bulk upload site(s) data, navigate to the sites datable and click on the Bulk Upload button.

There are two options for bulk uploading the site(s) data:

  1. Download and use the pre-built template in Conductor by selecting the correct section and clicking on the Download Template icon, no mapping is required (recommended method).
  2. Or upload any csv formatted data and manually map the individual fields inside of the bulk upload window.

Next, select the spreadsheet format. If your column names are vertically-oriented, select Vertical. If your column names are horizontally-oriented, select Horizontal. If you are using the pre-built template, leave the selection to the default Horizontal.

Click the Choose File button and select the file containing your dataset. If using the pre-built template, you can proceed to clicking the Upload button. If using a different spreadsheet, you will need to map the columns from the spreadsheet to the required fields in Conductor before the upload button will become available.

For more information about bulk upload, click the Learn More link in the bulk upload window.

Syncing Sites

In addition to being able to sync an entire workspace and its contents, sites can also be synced individually or simultaneously. Syncing a site takes the data in Conductor and configures the account on the RC platform to match it. A site is not eligible to be synced to the RingCentral platform until its site profile status is completed (e.g. the minimum required data has been provided).

To sync a site or multiple sites to the platform, check the box next to those sites in the sites datable and click the Sync button.

Deleting Sites

If a site is deleted in Conductor, it will also be deleted from the account on the RC Platform (Service Web).  Depending on the state of the workspace and account, you may need to delete all of the users belonging to the site before the site can be successfully deleted.

Exporting Sites Data

Site(s) data can be exported to spreadsheet format by clicking on the Export icon above the sites datatable.

Known Limitations

The sites feature in Conductor is as close to parity with Service Web as the RC Connect API’s will currently allow. The following items are outside of the scope of Conductor due to these API limitations:

  • Adding sites to cost centers.
  • E911 emergency address support.