The data-table contains all relevant information about the notifications you create. All notifications you generate within this application will be displayed here. Here you can see relevant info, turn on/off notifications quickly, and use the the Action buttons  to edit and bulk edit multiple notifications at once.

Data-table columns:

  • Name - the name of this notification and clicking will go into edit mode for that notification.
  • External Number - the external number that will engage the notification action.
  • Direction - call direction that triggers the notification.
  • Delivery Method - which delivery methods does the notification utilize.
  • Created Date - date the Notification was created.
  • Status (on or off) - is the notification engaged or not and will it trigger if conditions are met.

Sort by Data-table Column

To change which column is sort and by which order, click the name and of the column you would like to sort to cycle through these options:

  • Descending (first click)
  • Ascending (second click)
  • no sort (third click)

Your notifications will be displayed by most-recent order unless you choose to sort by one of the data-table columns.

Overflow Icon

Each notification as an Overflow Icon (three vertical dots) that will open ip with a drop down that presents two options that will either delete or duplicate this notification.

Overflow Icon Options

  • Edit - edit or modify this notification.
  • Duplicate - duplciate this notification.

This menu is intended as shortcut so you do not have to select the notification, and then the action, to duplicate quickly.

Data-table pagination

At the bottom of the data-table you will see the pagination elements. To the left is the page display that allows you to select a page and to the right is the rows per page and total count of notifications.

Page Display

Here you can quickly view all pages of the data-table by with clicking on a page number, or clicking on of the buttons displayed to the right or left of the numbers.

Page display actions:

  • First Page - go to the first page.
  • Previous page - go to the previous page.
  • Next Page - go to the next page.
  • Last Page - got to the last page.
  • Blank page box - when you have more than 3 pages, an empty page box will appear. Simply enter the page number you want to visit and click outside the box to engage.

Rows per page

Click to change the amount of items displayed per page. Options are:

  • 5
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • Show All


Displays the total amount of notification items present for your account.