The Users feature inside of Conductor allows you to create and configure users/extensions. You can also sync the users you create directly to the RingCentral account. Syncing a user takes the data in Conductor and configures the account on the RC platform to match it.

TODO: under construction...

Users may be created manually or by bulk upload.

Additionally, any pre-existing users (and sites) from Service Web will be displayed in a read-only state inside of the workspace. This is helpful in determining the current state of the account to avoid any potential conflicts when syncing to the RingCentral platform.

Creating a User

To manually create a new user, navigate to the Users tab, click the New User button and provide the following information (required fields are denoted by *):

  • User Type* The type of user: User, Virtual User, Limited Extension, Message Only or Announcement Only.
  • First Name* The first name of this user.
  • Last Name* The last name of this user.
  • Email* The email address of the user.
  • Ext* The extension number for this user.
  • Phone # The e.164 phone number for this user.
  • Temp # The temporary number for this user (used while the real number is ported in to RingCentral). This field is automatically populated once the user has been synced to the RingCentral platform. You can control which unassigned extension a user is created from in the user's Location area.
  • Site* Select the site to which this user belongs.
  • Dept Provide the department to which this user belongs.

(*) indicates this is a required field

Setup Wizard Status

The setup wizard status dictates whether or not the end user being created will see the Service Web setup wizard the first time they log in to their account. If the setup wizard status is set to Completed then, depending on the user type, a PIN and/or password and secret question/answer for the extension will be required and the extension will be created with a status of Enabled in Service Web.


When the setup wizard status for an extension of type user is set to Not Started the user will be created with a status of Not Activated in Service Web. If the setup wizard status for an extension of type User is set to Completed, the PIN, password (only PIN if SSO is enabled) and secret question/answer fields will be required and the user will be created with a status of Enabled in Service Web.

  • Once a user has been synced to the platform with a status of Enabled, then that user cannot be reverted to a status of Not Activated using Conductor.
  • The opposite applies as well, once a user has been synced to the platform with a status of Not Activated, then that user cannot be changed to a status of Enabled using Conductor.
  • These types of extensions are created using an available unassigned extension from the platform account.

Virtual Users

Virtual Users behave the same as users but cannot have devices other than a softphone associated with them.

Limited Extensions

Users of type Limited Extension are always synced to the platform with a status of Enabled to mimic existing Service Web behavior. The extension setup wizard status is automatically set to Completed and the password field is always required before syncing any limited extensions (limited extensions never have PIN's regardless of SSO settings). These types of extensions are created using an available unassigned extension of type limited extension.

Message Only Extensions

Message only extensions behave the same as users and virtual users, except that they always have a PIN requirement, regardless of SSO settings. Additionally, these types of extensions are not created using an available unassigned extension.

Announcement Only Extensions

Announcement only extensions also behave the same as users and virtual users, except that they never have a PIN requirement. Additionally, these types of extensions are not created using an available unassigned extension.

User Roles

The roles feature allows you to apply the RingCentral platform's pre-defined roles to users or create your own custom roles to be applied to users. To apply a new role to a user, or to create a new custom role, first select the user(s) in the users section data table and click the Roles button at the top of the table.  You can set the role for the user by selecting the role from the list and clicking the Apply to Selected button or create a new custom role by clicking the New Role button.

You may delete any custom roles that have been created, however the built-in RingCentral platform roles cannot be deleted.

User Location

The user location feature allows you to provide a physical address for a user as well as control which available unassigned extension should be used to create this user. This is not an E911/emergency address, it is only intended as an aid for ordering and shipping purposes.

You may choose to use an available unassigned extension with a number matching the country selected for this user, or you may specify an unassigned extension to be used that has a number from a different country. Additionally, you can specify which area code/npa (npa-nxx-xxxx) the number on the unassigned extension should have. Unassigned extensions having the specified criteria must be available in the account on the platform.


Tags let you create custom labels and identifiers to help you organize and apply settings across datasets. A tag consists of a case-sensitive key:value pair and you can select a color to help you identify this tag within your workspace. You can create maximum 20 tags for a given workspace.

Tags behave like the "custom fields" feature found in other applications. Tags can be used to filter large datasets for performing actions upon.

Bulk Uploading Users

Users can be bulk uploaded as an alternative to creating them manually.  To bulk upload the user(s) data, navigate to the users datatable and click on the Bulk Upload button.

There are two options for bulk uploading the user(s) data:

  1. Download and use the pre-built template in Conductor by selecting the correct section and clicking on the Download Template icon, no mapping is required (recommended method).
  2. Or upload any csv formatted data and manually map the individual fields inside of the bulk upload window.

Next, select the spreadsheet format. If your column names are vertically-oriented, select Vertical. If your column names are horizontally-oriented, select Horizontal. If you are using the pre-built template, leave the selection to the default Horizontal.

Click the Choose File button and select the file containing your dataset. If using the pre-built template, you can proceed to clicking the Upload button. If using a different spreadsheet, you will need to map the columns from the spreadsheet to the required fields in Conductor before the upload button will become available.

For more information about bulk upload, click the Learn More link in the bulk upload window.

Syncing Users

Users are included in the sync action whenever the site containing the user(s) is synced to the account on the RingCentral platform.

Exporting User Data

User(s) data can be exported to spreadsheet format by clicking on the Export icon above the users datatable.

Deleting Users

Any users created in Conductor can also be deleted. If the user data has not yet been synced to the RingCentral platform, then deleting a user from Conductor will have no effect on the account in Service Web. If the user data has been synced at least once, then deleting a user from Conductor will also delete that user from the RingCentral account. If the user is a virtual user, user, or limited extension then the extension is deleted and the line is released back to the pool of unassigned extensions available on the account and can be reused.